2014. február 14., péntek

22.) AVIA-Gast - Gastronomy - Receptek: Gripen-Csirke - kacsaszárnnyal _ Veres Zoli - Marhapölköltje _ Howard Hughes steak _ Magyar Konyha _ Hungarian Culinary - étel receptek - foods

AVIA-Gast: Gastronomy - Vendéglátás: Gripen-Csirke kacsaszárnnyal. Veres Zoli - Marhapölköltje. Howard Hughes power-steak. Onboard Catering. Magyar Konyha - Hungarian Culinary; étel receptek -  receipts of foods (Wikipedia)

18+Refreshed! to-125%-26.08.2022.-Regulated:+++++++++++++:++:+:++++:+++:+:+

above & below: NEW! Juci'bácsi's scan coll.:  MedRes!  AEROFLOT advert Prospektus from 1970's. Stewardess in work Tupolev Tu-154 galley with russian speciality dishes  & teapot-heater russ traditional "Samovar".       below: transcontinental airliner Ilyushin IL-86's galley at lower deck.

152.) Ил-96-300ПУ(М) - самолет президента Российской Федерации - Ilyushin IL-96PU Russian Goverment Aircraft - president Vladmir Putin visited at Budapest 2015.Febr.17.: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2015/02/152-96-300-ilyushin-il-96pu-russian.html
above: NEW! NoHigher! Juci'bácsi's collect from 1980's AEROFLOT's booklet - prospektus
above: NEW! MedRes! Tupolev Tu-114 "Rossiya" - "Russia" Early 1960s World's Largest Passenger Aircraft On-Board Food Service - Ту-114 "Россия" - "Россия" Начало 1960-х годов Самая большая в мире бортовая служба питания пассажиров . Tu-114 "Rossiya" - "Rossiya" Nachalo 1960-kh godov Samaya bol'shaya v mire bortovaya sluzhba pitaniya passazhirov - Tu-114 "Rossiya" - "Oroszország" 1960-as évek eleja világ legnagyobb utasszállító repülőgépe fedélzeti étel-kiszolgágálása.  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
95.) Tupolev Tu-104, Tu-16, Tu-114, Tu-124, Tu-134, Tu-22 Blinder - ОКБ Туполева Ту-124 _ 1965. Cockpit, view-photos, three view drawing, cutaway - Tu-134A: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/05/95-tupolev-tu-104-tu-16-tu-114-tu-124.html
above: NEW! HiRes! "AEROFLOT Catering Kitchen pool on Vnukovo Aerodrom at Moskva in 1960's, the Chef prepare the softdrinks for Tu-114 "Rossiya"" - "Кухонный бассейн АЭРОФЛОТ Кейтеринг на аэродроме Внуково в Москве в 1960-е годы, шеф-повар готовит безалкогольные напитки для Ту-114 "Россия"" - 
"Kukhonnyy basseyn AEROFLOT Keytering na aerodrome Vnukovo v Moskve v 1960-ye gody, shef-povar gotovit bezalkogol'nyye napitki dlya Tu-114 "Rossiya""  source: facebook/Andrey Bogdanov
above: NEW! NoHigher! AEROFLOT's sugars sweets -Czukkebergs - АЭРОФЛОТ сахар
above: NEW! NoHigher! Cargo Catering Cooktrix in airport kitchen-pool

above & below Three: NEW! MedRes! 'Saudi Cargo' TC-ACG Boeing B-747 "Jumbo Jet" airfreighter catering  by Hu. captain Szüle Zsolt former 'SkyEurope' Hu. Chief Pilot.  source: facebook/Szüle Zsolt

above: NEW+MedRes! SAUDI-Cargo Boeing B 747 'Jumbo' cockpit with Hu. captain Szüle Zsolt left  source: facebook/Szüle Zsolt
above: NEW+! HiRes! SAUDI-Cargo Business Domestic-steak  photo: captain Hu. Szüle Zsolt
above: NEW! MedRes! Japanese dishes in Hospital for woman in child-bed  source: facebook
above & below: NEW! HiRes! LUFTHANSA's boarding menü  source: Turista-Szalámi Blog
Ezt esszük a repülőn:
Turista-Szalámi Blog: Mr. Gyetván Csaba: 2018. szeptember 15., szombat 15:04 |

Hu. text: A repterek világát nem csak a repülők teszik fantasztikussá, hanem az a háttér is, amitől a legjobban szervezett és legnagyobb hangyabolynak tűnik a világon a repülőtér.
Nemrég körbejárta az internetet a hír, hogy a Flightradar adatai szerint 2018. június 19. volt a repülés történetének legforgalmasabb napja, ugyanis 19 ezer gép volt a levegőben ezen a pénteken. Önmagában is döbbenetes szám ez, hát még ha belegondolunk abba, ez mennyi utast, vagy épp mennyi a levegőben felszolgált ételt jelent.  ...
aboveNEWHiRes! LUFTHANSAkaja  source: Turista-Szalámi Blog.hu
above: NEW! MedRes! Juci'bácsi's repro ORWO/Forte dia/slide photo copy from early 1980's: JAL - Japan Airlines Boeing 747 'Jumbo Jet'  also Courtesy FREE!

above: MedRes! "Wellington" steak - bélszín "medium.  source: facebook

above: NEW! MedRes! List furnitured 'Learjet' VIP-Jet before food servicing  source: List.at
above: MedResHungarian AVIATOR International magazine from 2000s  source: Aviator
45.) Kiállításra - MEGHÍVÓ _ Kariaktúrák - Aviatik-Cartoon - Könyv-ajánló - Books Promotion ! MOM, Soviet Air Force - Szovjet légierő VVSz - Történelmi Szakkönyv és a Megváltó Felszáll Politikai Thriller - Regény _ Leipzig Book Market

Étel receptek - Special Gastro - Gourmet Meals - Foods - Séf - Chef - Konyhafőnök - Finom kaják!

above: NEW! NoHigher! Boeing B 737-600 'City Jet' pedestal - gázkarpult  source: pinterest

above: NEW pic: fried chicken legs - sült csirkecomb source: internet 

AVIATOR International Magazine (abandoned - megszűnt 2005.), AVIAGAST repülős kaják, receptek - food recipes: Creators by - készítették: Chef 'Steve'-séf (Újlaki 'Steve' István/facebook - Párizsi Magyar Nagykövetség volt követségi séf/konyhafőnök - Former chef of the Hungarian Embassy in Paris) látványszakács - spectacular cook, design assistant - formasegítő /grafikus/képregény író rajzoló - graphics artist/comics creator & és 'Juci'bácsi' "Dumakukta - CrapCooker" 'AA' graphiker & AirShow speaker - szpíker/műsorvezető & AVIATOR's senior employee/deputy editor-in-chief - főmunkatárs/főszerkesztő helyettes - Innovator and designer of the 'Aviagast' ötletgazdája és formatervezője.  Hungary, Veszprém LHSA/LHVM & Budapest LHBP early 2000s - Kétezer elejénsource - forrás: Szextant.blogspot  CONTENTs: 22.) Aviagast
141.) Képregény - Comics SURVIVAL - SAR - Search and Rescue I.Rész: Légi Kutató - Mentő UH-1D 'Huey' _ RTL-klub: "Celeb vagyok ments ki innen!" Túlélő Show műsor - Film-forgatókönyv - Treatment: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/10/140-kepregeny-comics-survival-sar.html
above: ThumbnailHiRes!   
below: new! Hires! AVIATOR werkphoto a sültcsirkéről TRINTEC ALT wekkerrel

above:  MALÉV captain Czigány Ildikó's debutation catering food; roasted chicken

above: MedRes! Oceanic Boeing B 767 cockpit with FO Czigány Ildikó  right
above: NEW! MedRes! Ms. capt. Czigány Ildikó in Fokker-70 cockpit cca. 2010. Fotó: MW ARCHÍV   source: vg.hu
Hu. text only: ...  Czigány Ildikót nem kell különösebben bemutatni, kis túlzással ma már mindenki kívülről fújja, hogy ő volt az első női pilóta a Malévnál. Ez olyannyira újdonságnak számított annak idején (a 90-es évek vége felé járunk), hogy még jogszabály-módosításra is szükség volt. Egy egészségügyi rendelet ugyanis nem tette lehetővé, hogy nők is betölthessenek közforgalmi utasszállító állást.  ...  https://www.vg.hu/manager-magazin/czigany-ildiko-a-repules-mindent-megadott-szamomra-888991/  

above: MALÉV FO & Captain Ms. Czigány Ildikó

above: NEW! HiRes! A truly elegant table setting with champagne and oysters.
 - Egy igazi elegáns teríték pezsgővel és osztrigával.
232.) Leopard-1A Bw. MBT & hull Combat Support & Pioneer pz.s: 'Biber', 'Büffel' Krauss-Maffei, Retro Soldat und Technik: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2021/07/232-leopard-1a-bw-mbt-hull-combat.html
aboveNEWMedRes! Beautiful flight attendants airlines at Air-France Purser first class serviour on Airbus A330/380? source: gogopeak/https://divany.hu/offline/2017/10/05/emirates_galeria/?utm_source=cikklink
50.) A380 Cockpit (Pilótafülke) and passenger cabin with LUFTHANSA Pilot and Celebrity Fashion Model P. Hilton (Divatmodell) - Airbus A320 Germanwings chatastrophe: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/03/50-a380-cockpit-pilotafulke-and.html
above: NEW! NoHigher! Airbus A380 tourist class 2018.
above: NEW! MedResAir France flight attendants in uproar over order to wear heads carves in Iran  source: GettyImages-mashable
above: NEW! NoHigher! Pin-Up Stewardess at home in Her the kitchen.

above: NEW! #Cameron #Diaz The #Hollywood-i star would also love the white wine Riesling served >-sztárnak is ízlene a felszolgált fehérbor - rizling - riesling

Cameron Michelle Diaz (born August 30, 1972. -age 47.- San Diego, California, U.S.) is a retired American actress, writer and former model. She has frequently appeared in comedies throughout her career, while also earning critical recognition in dramatic films. Her accolades include four Golden Globe Award nominations, three Screen Actors Guild Award nominations, and a New York Film Critics Award. In 2013, she was named the highest-paid actress over 40 in Hollywood.[2] As of 2018, the U.S. domestic box office grosses of Diaz's films total over U.S. $3 billion, with worldwide grosses surpassing $7 billion, making her the fifth highest-grossing U.S. domestic box office actress.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameron_Diaz
 above Three & belowNEW+HiRes! Flight Attendant & Pilots: '#Lavazza' - First Class #Espresso  Experience Campaign  (Edited & Cropped due maintan to Resolution!source: Hu. Google G+ collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up Girls expert
below: Hu. text: Ilyen volt a LOT közvetlen járata New York-ba és vissza!
    frequentflyer, 2018. május 8., kedd 00:40 
Múlt hét csütörtöktől, hét év után ismét van közvetlen járat Budapest és New York Kennedy repülőtere között, hiszen beindította járatát a LOT Lengyel Légitársaság, amely a Star Alliance légiszövetség tagja. Szombaton a Boeing 787-8 Dreamlinerük Chicago felé szállt fel, és mindeközben még a OneWorld-tag American Airlines járata is elindult Philadelphiába, egy Boeing 767-300ER-rel. Szinte hihetetlen, hogy a Dreamliner napi vendég Budapesten, de igaz. Az American PHL felé a nyári menetrendben, a LOT viszont egész évben közlekedik.  ...  source: Blog.hu/Egek ura
above: HiRes! LOT 'Dreamliner' BUP - NYC Peco food -  kaja: I ate the breaded chicken stuffed with mascarpone and spinach, it was incredibly delicious. Indeed.
A mascarponéval és spenóttal töltött panírozott csirkét ettem, eszméletlen finom volt. Tényleg. 
 below: NoHigher! B-787 Economy class
above: NEW! NoHigher! In the business class over clouds  source: Pinterest.com

above: NEW! NoHigher! #Business-class' #luxury #catering #food - #Luxuskaja az #üzleti-osztályon

above: NEW! MedRes! PANAM Boeing 314 "Yankee Clipper" onboard dining room.
222.) Hydroplanes - Seaplanes - Amphibians doors & hatches - Beaver, Catalina, Sunderland Flying-Boats - Repülőcsónakok - Scalaria air challenge in Österreiche. Maldives, Tahiti, -Marilyn Monroe: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2019/08/222-hydroplanes-seaplanes-amphibians.html
 NEW! NoHigher! Western Galleys from 1950's era - Nyugati gépek tálalója
207.) Gépajtók - Aircraft's doors, Prop Airliners, Crew, EXIT mechanics, Stewardesses, Emergency Safety Card, Tito's DC-6: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2018/01/207-gepajtok-aircrafts-doors-prop.html
above: NEW! HiRes! 1959. MALÉV stewardess on Ilyushin IL-14P  photo: Mr. Bauer Sándor  source: fortepan.hu_113459
aboveNEWHiRes! MALÉV catering kitchen on Ferihegy LHBP international airport 1965. Malév ételszállító konténerek menűtálcákkal.  photo: Mr. Bauer Sándor  source: fortepan.hu 113141
above: NEW! NoHigher! Lockheed L-1049 'Constellation' - "Connie" LH Bordservice
above: NEW! UNITED CA-530 "Swedish table - Svédasztal" in galley - fedélzeti konyhaság  Remark: Joke: Hu. text: Miért jó a Svédasztal?; mert: Elhízás ellen is véd, Éhség ellen is véd, Elkényelmesedés ellen is véd, ....stb.
above: NEW! NoHigher! After 'Swedish-table' program on the Fittness bicycle on First Class floor 2nd  of the United Airlines B747 'Jumbo jet'

 above: NEW! MedRes! Retrospective greeting card of Airlines from 1960s: Top Left: UA - United Airlines a couple eating meals, pthers; SAS - Scandinavian Airlines: Top Right: Interiors Servering,  Bottom Left: servering,  Right: Hostess In Galley.

above & below: NEW! NoHigher! CONTINENTAL High Luxury

above four: NEW! MedRes! NoHigher!  Top Left: BOAC - British Overseas Airlines Corporation B-707,  Right: Lufthansa,  Bottom Left: SAS DC6 LunchServed, Right: TCA's Lockheed "Super Connie" Air Canada     below: NEW! UNITED CA-540
above: NEW! United-Airlines MealPlate
above: Onboard catering - roasted cichken breast
above: NEW! HiRes! Ilyushin IL-18V MALÉV Stewardess services up the catering 1960's
above: NEW! NoHigher B.O.A.C.  - British Overseas Airways Corporation
aboveHiRes! Scandinavian SAS's 'Caravelle' SE-210  source: wikipedia
210.) 210s - Kettőtizesek: Messerschmitt Me 210Ca/410 'Hornisse' & Sud Aviation SE-210 'Caravelle' airliner-jet: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2018/03/210-210s-kettotizesek-messerschmitt-me.html
above: NEW! HiRes! Dutch KLM's catering - 1965- a KLM holland légitársaság felszolgáláskor használt terítékei  photo: Mr. Bauer Sándor  source: fortepan.hu 113138
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, legally Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij N.V. (literal translation: Royal Aviation Company Plc.)  source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KLM
above: NEW! NoHigher! Lockheed L-1011 'TriStar' widebody Airframe Study
above: NEW! MedRes! British 'Imperial-Airways' catering 1930s
above: NEWHoward Hughes takes off from New York for a new distance record around the Northern Hemisphere with a Lockheed 'Electra'-1441 in July-11-1934
above - fent: roasted steak slices - roston sültbélszínszeletek as blooden
above: HiRes! AVIATOR magazine "AVIAGAST" article from early 2000s  source: Aviator

Howard Hughes' steak food - Bélszín-érmék _ szték recept

above: new! HiRes! AVIAGAST werkphoto of  Hughes Power Steak (HPS) with Jeppesen chart

222.) Hydroplanes - Seaplanes - Amphibians doors & hatches - Beaver, Catalina, Sunderland Flying-Boats - Repülőcsónakok - Scalaria air challenge in Österreiche. Maldives, Tahiti, -Marilyn Monroe: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2019/08/222-hydroplanes-seaplanes-amphibians.html
above & below: NEW pics! Howard Hughes in his huge Hughes Amfibia 'Hercules' and XF-11 two engines similar to P-38 recce. plane 1946.
92.) P-38J "Lightning" Lockheed (USAAF -WW two) Escort Fighter Airplane, Cutaway: best beautiful WW Two fighter aeroplane and sexy shapes -Antoine D'Saint Exupéry: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/05/92-p-38j-lightning-lockheed-usaaf-ww.html

above: NEW! Hughes H-1 "Racer"    below: NEW! and as anSwiss Made  'Zepter' kitchen chrome vessel /pot /utensil.

aboveNEWNoHigher! H-1 in 'Smitshonian' NASM - National Air & Space Museum Washington DC 
Hughes H-1 Racer: https://airandspace.si.edu/collection-objects/hughes-h-1-racer

Howard Robard Hughes Jr. (December 24, 1905 – April 5, 1976) was an American business magnate, investor, record-setting pilot, engineer, film director, and philanthropist, known during his lifetime as one of the most financially successful individuals in the world. He first became prominent as a film producer, and then as an influential figure in the aviation industry. Later in life, he became known for his eccentric behavior and reclusive lifestyle – oddities that were caused in part by a worsening obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), chronic pain from a near-fatal plane crash, and increasing deafness.
As a film tycoon, Hughes gained fame in Hollywood beginning in the late 1920s, when he produced big-budget and often controversial films such as The Racket (1928), Hell's Angels (1930), and Scarface (1932). Later he controlled the RKO film studio.
Hughes formed the Hughes Aircraft Company in 1932, hiring numerous engineers and designers. He spent the rest of the 1930s and much of the 1940s setting multiple world air speed records and building the Hughes H-1 Racer and H-4 Hercules (the Spruce Goose). He acquired and expanded Trans World Airlines and later acquired Air West, renaming it Hughes Airwest. Hughes was included in Flying Magazine's list of the 51 Heroes of Aviation, ranked at No. 25. Today, his legacy is maintained through the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Howard Hughes Corporation.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Hughes
above: NEW! HiRes! Fried steak "Texan" style - Sült bélszín ~ módra  source: WallpaperUP.com

above: NEW! Follow Texas style steaks! North American AT-6 "Texan" with beautiful Pin-Up Girl.  photo by: Holly Matthews

above: NEW pic: HiResBig! Reference - ia: Steak ala medium - bélszín közepesen átsütve   source: internet


above: four NEW Pics!: top two: HiRes!, bottom: MedRes: American style; 'T'-bone' rare cow-steak - "T"-borda sült amerikásan. - source: internet

Jól tojástalanítani kellene azokat, akik az ellenkezőjét hirhetik. Én sokat nyalom....a sót és még nem is mekegek....Dzs.
Hu. text: Figyelem ! A természet törvényének ismeret hiánya nem mentesít a betegségek hatása alól, ez nem akaratlagos kérdés
A tojás után a só is
1. Úgy szeretlek édesapám, mint az emberek a sót.
A magyar meséknek mindig komoly tanulságuk van!
2. A kecske imádja és nyalogatja a sót, ha teheti, megkeresi.
3. A marhák egészségéhez "marhasót" adnak a jó gazdák a takarmányhoz.

Ugye nem gondoljuk, hogyha az állatoknak szükségük van a sóra,
akkor az ember képes nélküle egészségesen élni?

4. A királyok régen ügyeltek rá, hogy az országban, ha csak
lehet, legyen egy sóbánya. Ha nem volt, akkor az országnak ügyesen
kellett lavíroznia, hogy mindig meglegyen a szükséges mennyiség, hiszen

Nagyon nehéz több évtizednyi agresszív agymosást helyretenni.
Nem mennék bele összeesküvés elméletekbe, de sok mindent
megmagyaráz, ha a dolgok mögé látunk és nem csak a felszínt nézegetjük.

A krónikus sóhiány először a vesét teszi tönkre szépen csendben,
Utána jön a szív és érrendszer, majd a többi szerv, leggyakrabban a II. cukor betegség.
A szervezet igyekszik tolerálni egy ideig, ha mi rosszul bánunk vele.
Ide sorolom a sok műételt a rengeteg adalékanyaggal, kivont,
liofilizált, módosított stb.
alkotóelemmel, amivel szervezetünk év tízezredek alatt sem találkozott, így idegenként,
ellenségként, feldolgozhatatlanként kezeli. De a só elengedhetetlen az
egészséges élethez és nem adjuk meg neki kellő mennyiségben.

A legfrissebb kutatások is bizonyítják, hogy nem lehet annyira sok
sót enni, hogy ez okozzon problémát pl. magas vérnyomást. Ez egy téveszme.
Sajnos nagyon sok orvos sem néz utána a kutatásoknak, csak elfogadja, amit sulykolnak.
Ha elővenné az egyetemi tankönyveit megtalálná benne, hogy ideális
esetben a szervezetben a NaCL (só) és a KCL (kálium) aránya 30:1-hez kell legyen.
Intelligens szervezetünk a végsőkig védi az életet, ezért szinte a halál pillanatáig
igyekszik a vérben fenntartani ezt az arány. Nem véletlen, hogy a
Ringer oldat is ezt tartalmazza, illetve - ha jók az értesüléseim - a
legutóbbi időkig, mert 1-2 éve
megváltoztatták az arányt benne, akárcsak a laborleleteknél a tól-ig
referencia értéket, ami sajnos igen rossz irányba viszi el a dolgot.
Ideális esetben a szervezetben 142 mol/l kell legyen a NaCl, azaz a
nátriumklorid (só) mennyisége. A legtöbb magyar ember ezzel
sajnos nem "büszkélkedhet". "Áldásos" következménye a hibás reklámnak.

Pedig ha egy egészséges embert, főként kisgyereket megfigyelsz,
akit engednek a szülei úgy étkezni, ahogy ő kívánja, még a paradicsomot is megsózza.
Miért is? Ja, hogy a paradicsomban magas a kálium szint és így helyreáll az egyensúly?
Ki gondol közülünk erre? Nagyszüleink egyszerűen tudták, hogy ezt vagy azt
így kell enni pl. a paradicsomot sózni kell, a görögdinnyét zsíros kenyérrel kell enni
(a vitaminok egy része zsírban oldódik), a szalonnát hagymával kell
enni (a hagyma rendben tartja a koleszterin szintet) stb.
Nem tudták ők ennek tudományos magyarázatát, csak megszokták gyermekkorban,
hogy mit mivel helyes együtt enni. Éltek is 90 feletti életkort és legtöbbször "ágyban
párnák közt" végelgyengülésben haltak meg (hacsak nem volt háború pl.).

Hol vagyunk mi ettől, az én korosztályommal (59) tele vannak a rendelők.
Alig vonszolják magukat, súlyos rendszerbetegségekkel küzdenek.
Ki gondol rá, hogy hol rontották el, hol az alap hiba. S ma már így
adjuk tovább, beteggé téve szeretett gyermekeinket, unokáinkat.

Egy magyar korboncnok orvostól nemrégiben azt olvastam, hogy
"amikor kezdtem a pályámat, alig találtam olyan embert, akinek a veséje
beteg lett volna, manapság alig találok egészségeset.."
above & below: NEW! HiRes! Hu. text! "T-Bone" temperature  source: www.Playboy.hu 2013. január
above: NEW! MedRes! Juci'bácsi's scan collection: Hu. text: 'Helyben vagyunk' PestiEst: Baranyai töltött szűzpecsenye recept.

Lentebb: Étel-recept SAAB JAS-39 EBS-Hu "Gripen" Konyhafőnök módra.

NEW Pics! HiRes! What kind of meal will be coming now ?? - Milyen étel fog jönni most??
21.) Humavianatomy_ sweden BAE-SAAB JAS-39 "Gripen" women accesories Griff Erotic anatómia _ Profile side-view: and Volvo FlugMotor -Trollhättan- RM-12 Jet Engine: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/02/21-humavianatomy-sweden-bae-saab-jas-39.html
above: ThumbnailHiRes! Hu. text: AVIATOR magazin "Aviagast" bejegyzés  source: Aviator

aboveNEW Pics! HiRes Big! 

Csirkemell roston - gomba és zöldségkörettel kaja-recept

above: new! HiRes! werkphoto of  BAe - SAAB JAS-39EBS-Hu 'Gripen's wing chicken food with garnier/vegetables & canopy - a csirkesült körettel      below: NoHigherÁgi'mama fiatalon és főzni készül.

above: NEW! HiRes! Juci'bacsi's scan collect from Prospekte of  Schneider-Landhotel De. text
aboveNEWHiRes! "Red grape harvest at Salánki cellarman?"
above: NoHigher! Classic Vincellar in blue grapes   source: Playboy Girls

aboveNEW! NoHigher! After: Airfield estates: Syrah rosé from Yakima-valley

above: NEW! NoHigher! In the MD 'Falcon' corporate V.I.P. jet
149.) Dassault 'Falcon'-900EX French made Business Jet from HA-LKN Hu. Bank of OTP Group - pr. min. Orbán Viktor párizsi repülőútja a 'Charlie Hebdo' felvonulásra - 3D 'Catia'-V4 - Honeywell glass-cockpit - Yakovlev Jak-40: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2015/01/149-dassault-falcon-900ex-french-made.html
above: HiRes! Hungarian stewed - goulash beef  with gnocchi - Marhapörkölt galuskával - Vörösboros Marhapörkölt főétel - source: internet
Hu. text: Lentebb: Veres Zoli műrepülő barátunk részéről kiválasztott kedvencének megkonstruálása, az AVIA-Gast-tól, repülős magyar-angol hablaty nyelven. ajánlott azoknak akiknek van egy kis lövésük a repüléshez. Elgondolkoztató de finom.
above ThumbnailHiRes! 'Aviator' magazine "Aviagast" article  source: Aviator
above: NEW! Juci'bácsi's scan coll. from early 1990's advert "Ország Világ" magazin: MedRes! MALÉV Boeing B-737-200 on business class Hungarian onboard catering.   below: NEW! HiRes! MALÉV B-737 onboard catering.

above. NEW! MedRes! MALÉV onboard catering service B 737  source: facebook
above: NEW! HiRes! MALÉV Tupolev Tu-154B2's galley- fedélzeti konyha-tálaló
96.) MALÉV Airplane Cockpits - Retro and In Memoriam Hungarian Air Lines - MAgyar LÉgiközlekedési Vállalat _ short pictures history & Types:   https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/06/96-malev-airplane-cockpits-retro-and-in.html

above: NEW! HiRes! Tupolevskaya nostalgy at home kitchen: American actress #Katie#Holmes #sexy for '#Instyle'-magazine april-2020.  source: CelebsDump.com

Kate Noelle Holmes (born December 18, 1978. -age 41- Toledo, Ohio, U.S.) is an American actress, producer, and director. She first achieved fame as Joey Potter on the television series Dawson's Creek (1998–2003). She made her feature film debut in Ang Lee's The Ice Storm in 1997. Subsequent film roles include: Go, Teaching Mrs. Tingle (both 1999), Wonder Boys, The Gift (both 2000), Abandon, Phone Booth (both 2002), The Singing Detective, Pieces of April (both 2003), Batman Begins, Thank You for Smoking (both 2005), Mad Money (2008), Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (2010), Jack and Jill (2011), Miss Meadows (2014), Woman in Gold, Touched with Fire (both 2015) and Logan Lucky (2017). In 2008, she made her Broadway theatre debut in a production of Arthur Miller's All My Sons. In 2011, she played Jacqueline Kennedy in the TV miniseries The Kennedys, a role she reprised in The Kennedys: After Camelot (2017). She made her directorial debut with the 2016 film All We Had, in which she also starred. Holmes was married to the actor Tom Cruise, which lasted from 2006 to 2012.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katie_Holmes

above: NEW! Juci'bácsi's photo by 'Olympus' in Museum of Herend Factory: HiRes! Table cover with 'Herendi' porcelain set for Hungarian stewed - goulash beef. - Azért ebben a Herendi készletben is jól mutatna a marhapörkölt. - Herend is small city (large village) bottom of  Bakony-hill near 20 km from Veszprém-city to West. There operating the name of "Herendi" porcelain manufacture - factory.    below: NEW! HiRes! also Courtesy FREE! Herendi készlet - accessories and servir

above: NEW! NoHigher! Hungarian celeb & model; Ms. Debreczeni Zita in Hungarian folclor suit

Hu. text only: Debreczeni Zita (Hungary, Szolnok, 1981. január 6. –) modell, szépségkirálynő, műsorvezető, fotós.  https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debreczeni_Zita
above & below: NEW! HiRes! "the Hungarian Crew's preflight abundant breakfast - a Magyar személyzet repülés előtti bőséges reggelije. - Greek Olive oil, hungarian salami/thick sausage/ and italian root -bread "Ciabatta" ("Bagette" of italian) base on own receipt - Görög olivaolaj, magyar szalámi/vastagkolbász és olasz gyökérkenyér recept alapján saját finomság. Foodmaker & smart-phone XIAOMI photo by: Ms. Bártfai Mária Veszprém.hu
Recept by: Ms. Bártfai Mária: Hu. text: Az eredeti olasz ciabatta receptje, amit otthon is elkészíthetsz;
A kívül ropogós, belül puha, lyukacsos kenyértészta készítésének minden titkát eláruljuk most neked. A ciabatta szó eredeti jelentése papucs, ami a kenyér hosszúkás formájára utalhat. Nevezik az olaszok bagettjének is, készítenek belőle szendvicseket, bruschettát, crostinit, paninit, vagy egyszer  ...   https://hu.pinterest.com/pin/
aboveNEWHiRes! (a little Cropped size due max 1600px!) A little gastronomy from Mary's kitchen "TöpörTyű" again! (with Hungarian "Bigi-Topi/Töpi" hamby);
Homemade beetroot red onion jam, homemade meatballs, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, mustard, ketchup and grilled "Crispy" bacon from Cluj. The buci is also homemade. It looks very good and very delicious! Thanks to Tiger Szabi for the photo! We wish everyone a good appetite!  photo by: Mr. Tiger Szabolcs
"Big-Mekk": original Hu. text: Ismét egy kis gasztronómia Mária konyhájából! 😀
Saját készítésű céklás lilahagyma lekvár, házi húspogácsa, saláta, paradicsom, sajt, mustár, ketchup és grillezett "TöpörTyűs" kolozsvári szalonna. A buci is házi. 🥩👌
Nagyon jól néz ki és nagyon finom! 😋
Köszönjük Tiger Szabinak a fotót! 🙏
Kívánunk mindenkinek jó étvágyat!

above: NEW! NoHigher! Retro: Hungarian supermodel, #Bíró #Ica

Hu. text only: Bíró Ica (született: Borúzs Ilona) (Budapest, 1957. május 30. -62 éves- Budapest) fitnesz-szakértő, modell, színésznő, énekesnő. Kártyanaptár-királynőként említik.  ...  https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%ADr%C3%B3_Ica
above: new! HiRes! Aviator Magazin's stand at Defense Industry Exhibition C+D-2005. Budapest Messe. On the wall "Avigast" demo sheets.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Ez egy másik antikolt asztal aviagasttal de nem a kiállításon.
above: NEW! MedRes! Ilyushin Il-76TD airfreighter forward wall with the Loadmaster control panel and from it right the catering equipment, - A tehermester ülőhelye és vezérlőpultja jobbra mellette a kajás BÜFÉ pulttal -from two side is two Entry door to two levels Cockpit. www.CE-??    below: NEW+! HiRes! IL-76 cargo Stewardess #JoCa - Jordan#Carver at home in Her kitchen  source: tumblr.com/www.mellbimbo.eu
Ina-Maria Schnitzer (born 30 January 1986. -age 36- Trier, West Germany), better known as Jordan Carver, is a German glamour model and actress.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jordan_Carver

Lentebb: Tárcsás - Vok-ban készült kajarecept

above: NEW! Thumbnail HiRes! Sky-Tarcha - dish - Boronatárcsából készült vok.
above: NEW! NoHigher! Gyurkovits Tihamér than 'SkyEurope' captain-Father  source: Szüle Zsolt

above: NEW+! NoHigher! Jet-engine Pratt & Whitney "Turbina" fruit cake - "Turbó" gyömölcstorta

above: NEW+! The orange to lay

above: NEW! MedRes! Ms./Mr.S. Mihalik Enikő world famous Hungarian runway fashion model & photomodell of Victoria's Secret also likes the similar style Chinese foods.

En. text: Enikő Mihalik (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈɛnikøː ˈmihɒlik]; born 11 May 1987. -age 35- Békéscsaba, Hungary) is a Hungarian model who rose to prominence after placing 4th in the Elite Model Look 2002 and is known for her work with Dutch photography team Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enik%C5%91_Mihalik

Hu. text: Mihalik Enikő (Békéscsaba, 1987. május 11.) modell, az Elite Model Look 2002. évi negyedik helyezettje. Ismert Inez van Lamsweerde és Vinoodh Matadin holland fotósokkal való munkájáról.  ...

above: NEW! NoHigher! #Australian #supermodel, #Micah #Gianneli on #First-class

An entrepreneur who is local at heart with an international outlook, Micah Gianneli has firmly established herself as a prominent Australian digital influencer and fashion blogger. Her blog and social platforms invite her loyal, highly engaged audience to relish in her personal journey and creative expression. An impressive global following has embraced Micah’s glamourous, cutting-edge aesthetic, as she delivers quality content with a cool sense of confidence.  ...  https://micahgianneli.com/about/
above: NEW! MedRes! Onboard bar on A380 Emirates business class
above: NoHigher! Airbus A380 lounge
50.) A380 Cockpit (Pilótafülke) and passenger cabin with LUFTHANSA Pilot and Celebrity Fashion Model P. Hilton (Divatmodell) - Airbus A320 Germanwings chatastrophe: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2014/03/50-a380-cockpit-pilotafulke-and.html

aboveNoHigher! #Airship #LZ129 #Hindenburg's #Bar-Mixer - #Bármixer  source: #Pinterest

223.) Airships - Léghajók: "Zeppelin" Friedrichshafen & vintage Ladies! Hindenburg & Landscapes: Budapest and Stockholm: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2019/08/223-airships-leghajok-zeppelin.html

above: #SABENA #cook

above & below four NEW!: NoHigher: SABENA - Societé Anonyme Belge d'Exploitation de la Navigation Aérienne - "Belgian Corporation for Air Navigation Services" - (French; "Belgian Corporation for Air Navigation Services")
 SABENA: above: Better In The Air    below: Business As Usual
above: Children to NYC - New York City
above: NEW! MedRes! DC-9 airline  by: Laurence-king Publishing yatzer
above: NoHigher! British BOAC Vickers "Viscount-61" airline Laurence Kking Publishing Yatzer  (The left: Young prime minister Margaret Thatcher?)
Margaret Hilda ThatcherBaroness Thatcher, LG, OM, PC, FRS, FRIC (née Roberts; 13 October 1925 – 8 April 2013), was a British stateswoman who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 and Leader of the Conservative Party from 1975 to 1990. She was the longest-serving British prime minister of the 20th century and the first woman to have been appointed. A Soviet journalist dubbed her the "Iron Lady", a nickname that became associated with her uncompromising politics and leadership style. As Prime Minister, she implemented policies that have come to be known as Thatcherism.  ...   en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Thatcher

above: NEW! NoHigher#Thatcher with #President #Bush in #Aspen#Colorado, in 1990.

207.) Gépajtók - Aircraft's doors, Prop Airliners, Crew, EXIT mechanics, Stewardesses, Emergency Safety Card, Tito DC-6: 
above: NEW! NoHigher! American singer, #Demi Rose Mawby in airport V.I.P. waiting. by: reddit_Puzzup 
Demi Rose Mawby (born March 27, 1993) is a British model. She was born and raised in England and has a sister. Demi is of English and Colombian descent.   ...  https://everipedia.org/wiki/lang_en/demi-rose-mawby

above: NEW! NoHigher #Virgin  #Atlantic #airlines' #advert with 71 years old, #Maye #Musk

Maye Musk (née Haldeman; born April 19, 1948. -age 71.- Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada) is a Canadian–South African model and dietitian. Also the mother of Elon Musk, Kimbal Musk, and Tosca Musk, she has been a model for 50 years, appearing on the covers of magazines including Time. The New York Post asserted her self-earned fame by declaring she is "a star in her own right".  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maye_Musk

above: NEW! NoHigher! Professionare! #Louis de Funès (fonetikusan: /lwi də fyˈnɛs/) (teljes nevén Louis Germain David de Funès de Galarza) (Courbevoie, 1914. július 31. – Nantes, 1983. január 27.) francia komikus, színész.

Louis Germain David de Funès de Galarza (French pronunciation: ​[lwi ʒɛʁmɛ̃ david də fynɛs də ɡalaʁza]; 31 July 1914 – 27 January 1983) was a French actor and comedian. According to several polls conducted since 1968, he is France's favourite actor – having played over 130 roles in film and over 100 on stage. His acting style is remembered for its high-energy performance and his wide range of facial expressions and tics. A considerable part of his best-known acting was directed by Jean Girault.
He often still is a household name in many countries such as Italy, Greece, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belgium, Serbia, Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, Spain, Turkey, Albania, Romania, Croatia, former countries of the Soviet Union, as well as Iran. Yet he remains almost unknown in the English-speaking world. He was exposed to a wider audience only once in the United States, in 1974, with the release of The Mad Adventures of Rabbi Jacob, which was nominated for a Golden Globe Award.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_de_Fun%C3%A8s
18+above: NEW! HiResCarmella Rose drinks 'Absolute Vodka' in V.I.P. Corporate jet  source: Pincelebs.net
Carmella Rose is a 23-year-old gorgeous global model, and a social media personality, apparently blessed with great looks, unbeatable confidence, and is photogenic by nature. She has really taken the modeling world by storm, appearing on catwalks, on the internet and magazine covers, showcased in various popular publications including Maxim.  ...  https://affairpost.com/model-carmella-roses-wiki-age-height-measurements-boyfriend-net-worth/
above: NEWNoHigher!: USN airship USS "Macon" crew-life source: NASM/Pinterest
223.) Airships - Léghajók: "Zeppelin" Friedrichshafen & vintage Ladies! & Landscapes: Budapest and Stockholm: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2019/08/223-airships-leghajok-zeppelin.html

above: ThumbnailHiRes! Keserű-művek féle recept 'Air Art' Grafika

Free Printable and recept and even able to make and eat! This is my gift.

above: NEW! HiRes! Desired #officer-club Chef: American star actress, Alexandra#Daddario for #New-York post in november 2019.  source: CelebsDump.com

Alexandra Anna Daddario (born March 16, 1986. -age 33- New York City, New York, U.S.) is an American actress. She is known for playing Annabeth Chase in the Percy Jackson film series, Blake Gaines in San Andreas (2015), Summer Quinn in Baywatch (2017), and Emma Corrigan in Can You Keep a Secret? (2019). She has also starred in the films Texas Chainsaw 3D and Hall Pass and has guest starred in television series such as White Collar, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, True Detective, New Girl, and American Horror Story: Hotel.  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandra_Daddario
NEW! Juci'bácsi's 'Air Art Graphics' production: INVITATION to Aviation Ball to Military Club in Veszprém - Repülőbál MEGHÍVÓ  above: MedRes! 2012. On lot of pieces sheet its size: A3, A4, A5 250gr. half glossy paper   below: HiRes! also 2009.

above: NEW! NoHigher! (Hz. Crop!) #Air-France Flight Attendant in '#Christian #Dior' suit 1963. invited at Bungalow gate.  source: fabolous-muses

above: NEWNoHigher! Bordservice des LZ 127 aus dem Jahr 1928. Die luxuriöse Ausstattung wurde von namhaften Architekten und Designern entworfen und entsprach der eines Luxushotels. Michail Jungierek - Own work, Ausstellungsstück des Museums für Kommunikation Hamburg.  source: wikipedia
223.) Airships - Léghajók: "Zeppelin" Friedrichshafen & vintage Ladies! & Landscapes: Budapest and Stockholm: : https://szextant.blogspot.com/2019/08/223-airships-leghajok-zeppelin.html

Hu. text: No ez nem egy Széll Tamás séf-féle francia Bocuse d'Or világdöntős kaja volt Lyonban, de nagyon fínom és laktató fogásként nyomult le.

above: NEW! Juci'bacsi's photos: HiRes! Egy igazi Halászlé Ádász Zoli nyá. mk. alez-től Nincsics Lala telekbeüzemelésén. Csak Bakonyosan ahogy szoktuk Szentkirályszabadján - LHSA-n - Fish soup - pottage as a LHSA "Bakony" Combat helicopter Regiment style.
above: NEW! NoHigher! We were waiting for this Bayern waitress but She didn't come there. - Erre a Bajor pincérlányra vártunk de nem jött oda.

above: NEW! NoHigher! French gourmand during Receipt writing: Eva Green star actress

Eva Gaëlle Green (French: [ɡʁin]; Swedish: [ˈɡɾeːn]; born 6 July 1980) is a French actress and model. She started her career in theatre before making her film debut in 2003 in Bernardo Bertolucci's film The Dreamers. She achieved international recognition when she appeared as Sibylla, Queen of Jerusalem in Ridley Scott's historical epic Kingdom of Heaven (2005), and portrayed Bond girlVesper Lynd in the James Bond film Casino Royale (2006). In 2006, Green was awarded the BAFTA Rising Star Award.
Since 2006, Green has starred in independent films Cracks (2009), Womb (2010), and Perfect Sense (2011). She has also appeared in the television series Camelot (2011), and played Angelique Bouchard in Tim Burton's big-screen adaptation of Dark Shadows (2012). In 2014, she played Artemisia in the 300 sequel, 300: Rise of an Empire, and Ava Lord in Frank Miller's and Robert Rodriguez's Sin City sequel, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. She also starred as Vanessa Ives in Showtime's horror drama Penny Dreadful. Her performance in the series earned her a nomination for Best Actress in a Television Series – Drama at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards. In 2016, she played the titular character in Tim Burton's fantasy film Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. ...
above: Hu. text joke: "Fatburning as I like."
above: NEW pic: the best / most famous spices in the world - a Világ legjobb / leghíresebb fűszerei   below: new! my love Dessert offer - a szerelmi Deszert ajánlatom;
above: NEW! HiRes! Mockup Corporate Jet advert  source: Andrey Bogdanov/facebook
above: NoHigher! "U.S. Top-Model, Ms. Marisa Miller with NAVY's  icecream - Molnár Mariska Topmodell U.S. Haditengerészeti fagyival."
Marisa Lee Miller (née Bertetta; born August 6, 1978. -age 41- Santa Cruz, California, U.S.) is an American model and occasional film actress best known for her appearances in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and her work for Victoria's Secret. After a stint shooting with photographer Mario Testino for fashion magazines such as Vogue, Miller began working for both companies in 2002. In 2007, she became a Victoria's Secret Angel, and appeared on the cover of the 2008 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue to record-setting numbers. Her accomplishments have led to her being dubbed the "return of the great American supermodel."
She is known for contracts with companies such as Harley-Davidson, for whom she is the first spokesperson in the history of the company, and the NFL, for whom she became a spokesperson in 2010. Miller is considered a sex symbol; she ranked No. 1 on Maxim magazine's 2008 "Hot 100" list and in FHM's global 2010 "Sexiest Women in the World" poll.[citation needed] Aside from modeling, she was an ambassador for both the American Cancer Society and the USO. Miller made her film debut in R.I.P.D. (2013).  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marisa_Miller 

above: NEWMr. Bean (ang.elct. Rowan Atkinson oklev. vill. mk. - English comedian) Pilot-Sandwinch - pilóta-szenyója alternatív megoldásként  below-alul ....

Rowan Sebastian Atkinson CBE (born 6 January 1955. -age 64.- Consett, County Durham, England) is an English actor, comedian and writer. He is best known for his work on the sitcoms Blackadder (1983–1989) and Mr. Bean (1990–1995). Atkinson first came to prominence in the BBC's sketch comedy show Not the Nine O'Clock News (1979–1982), receiving the 1981 BAFTA for Best Entertainment Performance, and via his participation in The Secret Policeman's Ball from 1979. His other work includes the 1983 James Bond film Never Say Never Again, playing a bumbling vicar in Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994), voicing the red-billed hornbill Zazu in The Lion King (1994), and playing jewellery salesman Rufus in Love Actually (2003). He also featured in the BBC sitcom The Thin Blue Line (1995–1996). His work in theatre includes the 2009 West End revival of the musical Oliver!.
Atkinson was listed in The Observer as one of the 50 funniest actors in British comedy, and among the top 50 comedians ever, in a 2005 poll of fellow comedians. Throughout his career he has collaborated with screenwriter Richard Curtis and composer Howard Goodall, both of whom he met at the Oxford University Dramatic Society during the 1970s. In addition to his 1981 BAFTA, he received an Olivier Award for his 1981 West End theatre performance in Rowan Atkinson in Revue. He has also had cinematic success with his performances in the Mr. Bean movie adaptations Bean and Mr. Bean's Holiday, and also in the Johnny English film series (2003–2018). He also appears as the titular character in Maigret (2016–2017).  ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rowan_Atkinson
above: NEW! MedRes! Young Pilot's plenty sandwich     below: NEW! HiRes! Human Potatoes
above: NoHigher! Repeat - Ismétlés (Repeta!)  source: Juci'bácsi Air Art
aboveNEW+HiRes! Gabriela Cantos & Liza in Polish SP-KHK 2009. Cessna 510 'Citation' "Mustang" (cn 510-0189) passenger compartment with champaing bottle hole.  source: Hu. Google G+ Collector: Mr. Bányiczki Zoltán Pin-Up Expert
185.) Doors of V.I.P. Corporate & Private Jets & Turboprops aircraft & Pin-Ups Attendants. Junkers, Grumman, Learjet: https://szextant.blogspot.com/2016/07/185-doors-of-vip-corporate-private-jets.html

aboveNEWHiRes! Ca Los Angeles Hollywood #star, #Pamela #Anderson as #V.I.P. #passenger in 'Learjet'

Pamela Denise Anderson (born July 1, 1967. -age 52.- Ladysmith, British Columbia, Canada) is a Canadian-American actress, model and animal rights activist. Anderson is best known for her appearances in Playboy magazine and for her work on the television series Home Improvement, Baywatch, and V.I.P..
She initially rose to fame after being selected as the February 1990 Playmate of the Month for Playboy magazine. Anderson went on to frequent appearances on the magazine's cover, holding the record of most Playboy covers by any person.
She became known to a wider audience in 1991, appearing as a recurring character, Lisa, on the award-winning ABC comedy series Home Improvement for its first two seasons. She received international recognition for her starring role as C. J. Parker in the action-drama television show Baywatch, further cementing her status as a sex symbol.
Anderson has appeared in films such as Raw Justice (1994), Barb Wire (1996), and Blonde and Blonder (2008). She was inducted into Canada's Walk of Fame in 2006.
Anderson is a prominent activist for the animal rights movement and has conducted campaigns condemning the commercial fur industry and promoting veganism through the animal rights organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).   ...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pamela_Anderson

above: NEW! MedRes! "Cheerio!" Pamela Andersson LA Hollywood star actress with fine cup of Rose vine.


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